Swimming in sky water.

It’s been raining for days. Thunder in the night that gasps me awake if I’m lucky enough to be asleep. Storms that water fond memories of childhood sleep undisturbed by earthquakes and dynamite.

The earth, parched in winter as it often is here, gulps down each cloudfull before the bursting winds carry off the empty buckets above and usher in the next round.


I stole a few soaked moments this morning while my coffee steeped to puncture holes in the bottom of the tomato cups and rescue the pepper pots from the overflowing trays.


The drops paused long enough this evening for a few fleeting shots of the drenched promises of future garden spoils.


Here’s hoping for perfect shoveling weather coming soon, as a “biiiiiiig druck” (we have quite the budding machinery expert in the house) will be dropping four yards of compost tomorrow for my most lovely partner in life to dole out to the remaining empty beds.

7 comments on “Swimming in sky water.

  1. Shannon says:

    Rain indeed! We just got a reprieve today, then had to pull up all the lettuce which is threatening to bolt with the water and warm temps.

    BAGGED compost for me this year as I got to do it entirely on my own (hubs is working too many hours). I just couldn’t stress over or stand to drive around a big pile, so I picked up 30 bags at a time at the garden center (it’s all I can haul in the van) and threw a total (so far) of EIGHTY BAGS worth on my beds.

    I am Woman. Hear me roar.

    Love your fibonacci cauli. I miss the brassicas in my garden, completely missed winter for planting.

    • plumdirt says:

      Woohoo, compost! When I’m able to help, I go for a half yard at a time of bag your own. It saves per bag and on delivery, and makes distribution a little cleaner. That, and it’s the mix I like best. But I will not bite the hand that shovels for me when I can’t so a mountain in the driveway it is.
      What variety lettuce is it? I did a few varieties this year and none are thinking of bolting yet. Oddly with our warm temps but mild winter, we’re about a month behind last year’s bolt schedule.

  2. Shannon says:

    Romaine and buttercrunch, distinctly different. Just cut them all out yesterday as they were quickly going to flower after the rain. No matter! We will make quick work of 50 heads.

  3. Tina says:

    Yes, a bit too wet to dig at the moment, but no worries–we can always be sure that the ground will dry up here in Central Texas.

  4. Melissa says:

    Sky water, I love that!

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