Flowers from afar.

We went to Juneau in July to visit DH’s best friend. A day out to see beautiful Tracy Arm (14 hours on a boat but we got to see whales and glaciers and seals, oh my!) and the Peanut was a champ. A day of hiking abandoned mining towns, taking a tram to a mountain top, hiking said mountain top, and then a day where DH went fishing and the little one and I traipsed about downtown Juneau to pick up some gifts, take in a berry crepe, and see the sights of a cutesy downtown. Juneau has some lovely flora in July…

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Does anyone know the name of the lovely rosy orange flowers above?

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Or the funny pink ones?

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That also come in purple.

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Any guesses on the name of the fuzzy white ones?

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These look like strawflowers to me, unless strawflowers have a more appropriate name…

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So cheerful for being upside down.